Friday, May 2, 2008

Nightly report

Christie rested comfortably today. They rotated her throughout the day to alleviate pressure on certain areas. She continues to remain unstable as far as her brain injury is concerned. The rest of her body is doing remarkable. As I left tonight, I saw Becky (Christies mom) snuggled in the bed with her. It was precious.
Richard had two surgeries today. The put a plate in his jaw and one in his clavicle. After all that he was exhausted and required the use of his ventilator again. Small step backwards. He was aggitated most of the day. They did at one point try to wean him off the ventilator again but he was hyperventilating so they put it back on. He didnt look around much today. He just really seemed exhausted. They said they would try to wean him off the vent while he sleeps. Hopefully in the AM he'll be breathing on his own again. :) The also started physical therapy. She did range of motion with his extremities and put a brace on his left arm to "teach his muscles to move" again. He doesnt like it. They also took out his right chest tube. The doctor today said soon they can move him to the Neuro floor to begin his recovery.


Gaby said...

Hey guys. Im praying so hard that god does something amazing and turns this whole situation around. I believe something great will happen. I let my youth group no about the website so you might get some more comments soo. Everyone there is really concerned and praying hard. Hang in there. Tell Richard and Christie I said hey and they better get well soon.

Love Gaby

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone. I am so glad to hear of the major improvements this week. I am not surprised- their is more power in prayer than we can imagine. Lee and I will continue to pray for Richard, Christie, and the family. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help!
Katie Tomlin

Anonymous said...

Hey, christie
Make a full recovery, please!! School sn't the same without you and 6th hour is just wierd. I'm praying to every God or Goddess there is to make sure you recover as well as your dad! I never got to plat pool with him and we still need to hang out a lot more! Hope to see you soon, well i know I will, you need to get through this!
love you!