Thursday, May 8, 2008


Sorry this blog is so late but Phil and I were having so much fun at the hospital, we stayed late. We were teaching Richard to throw a ball and he kept trying so hard. He threw it several times (about 6 inches) but whatever. Then he was doing funny things with the ball. He put it on his head and rolled it around with his hand. Then he wedged it between his chin and his trach. He also kept putting it down by his left arm. We would move it and he would give us a dirty look and put it back. He was so proud of himself. We had a long talk with him tonight. We showed him pictures of all the family members and he said he knew everyone. At one point we thought he was saying YES to everything because he thinks thats the right answer. So we asked him some NO questions and he answered appropriately. He even is trying to talk. He moves his lips around trying to mouth words. We told him he couldnt talk because he hurt his mouth. We called Mom so she could tell him goodnight. He got really emotional and tried to hold the phone. Then he mouthed MOMMA. Philip asked him if he wanted to go home and he smiled huge and shook Yes. Then he tried to get up (which he cant) but he shook so hard trying. We explained to him he wasnt better yet so he had to stay. He got mad and frowned at us. As we went down the hall to leave, we turned around and he was waving goodbye. His behavoir level at this point seems very childlike. Hopefully the more we work with him, the better it will get. We also visited Christie. Philip hasnt seenher for a couple of days. He said she looks excellent. He had a long talk with her about her new hairdo. He told her she looked like a ninja because its shaved on top and up front but she has a long ponytail in the back. Then he got her to move her thumb and she also moves her mouth all around. Not sure what she is doing. We were pleased with the both of them. Busy day tomorrow. Becky and I aremeeting with the two best rehab centers to discuss placement. Keep praying!


Anonymous said...

Angie, My name is Geneva and i am a friend of Richards and Christie, Becky and Tony. My best friend is Mary. You all are in my prayers. I just want to tell you thank you for trying to take care of Richard and Christie. I know it will be hard but it will make Richard alot better. I lost mt daughter in 2000 to a car wreck. She left two girls. One was only 5 months old. The other one had lost her dad in death at the of 8 and then her mother at the age of 12. Trust me it was hard on me but her husband was like Richard and was not able to take care of them.It was around a year before he could handle it. Just keep your trust in God and he will give you strength. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Hi. You may not know me but I'm a friend of Christie's.

I was so worried about her until I found this blog, it's good to know that she is on the road to recovery. Tell her I'll draw her all the horses she wasnts when she gets out.

<3 eri

Anonymous said...

( Christie's friend )

Well, it seems as if things are getting better for Richard, and Christie.
I hope this track will progress further along. [:

Staying hopefull,

Lauren. L. (ichi)