Sunday, June 29, 2008


Today was really cool. Philip brought his laptop so Richard could get on the internet. We showed him a picture of his house and he remembered that. He still doesnt remember my house though. We showed him a map of Florida so he knows where he is. He had never heard of Wauchula so he didnt know where it was in regards to Port Charlotte. Then Philip logged on to his email and Richard sent out an email to everyone at the CCSO. He was really emotional trying to put his thoughts to words. He cried the whole time he wrote it. After that we played cards for a while. We left at dinner time. He said he had visited Christie this AM and she was more alert than before. He is really excited for her to get better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ang,

Just wondered if you were able to see Christie today and if so how is she doing. I know you weren't able to get there for the past few days, so was hoping you would have an update for us today on how she is doing?
Becky said you had called her Friday to find out when Christie's birthday is but she was going in to work and didn't get a chance to ask for an update on how she is doing. Becky calls everyday to check on her, but you know there is nothing like information from a family member compared to a professional opinion.
Thanks for any updates you can give us on her since we can't be there to see for ourselves. Thank God Richard is doing so much better. He was doing great when we were there.