Saturday, June 28, 2008


Sorry I havent written in a while. Wednesday and Thursday I had school. Friday, I had someone here working on my house so I couldnt leave. I went up today and hung out with Richard. He was excited when I got there. He had just started a scrabble game with the RSA's so I joined in. It was really enjoyable. We were cracking jokes and arguing if words were really words. When we were done, the whole building went to the cafeteria and we all played BINGO. There was a prize table so if you won, you picked. I won twice and Richard won once. Then it was almost time dinner time. I gave Richard a 'spa' treatment which consisted of me cutting his fingernails and toenails, trim his nose hairs, his rogue eyebrow hairs, and rogue ear hairs. We laughd the whole time. I told him of things he used to do when he first starting "waking up" the really funny things. He kept saying, why did I do that? or why did I say that? He told me about his morning. Breakfast was 'okay' Lunch was pizza chopped into little pieces "pretty good" Andthe highlight of his day......... Irv Hopkins and his wife came to visit. He was totally thrilled and honored that "someone would drive that far to come see me" A group of us are going up tomorrow. We'll update then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi it's great that both are doing better! I can't wait to see Christie!

I know that Christie's brithday in july 28th. Christie had came up with a plan to have one big brithday party, but i know she can not come to whatever we may be doing, really what I'm asking is what type of gifts can we get her, and how you would like for us to give them to her if some of us can't get a ride up there?