Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This is Richard for the first time

Christie and I have been through alot! I am very thankful to all that supported both of us. I have made enough progress healing to have the chance to go back to work. Christie has made tremendous progress and more of herself shines through on a regular basis. We were even able to play Connect 4 a couple of times.
I just wanted to thank all of you that know of the "Martel" fighting spirit and kept us in your thoughts and prayers. It will never be forgotten.


Anonymous said...

Hey Richard,
Glad to hear from you. Christie gets a lot of her fighting spirit from her Mama to. In this case it is a good thing to be like both of us.Glad you are doing better, when do you think you will be able to go back to work? Will it be full time to start?

Toni said...

We are so happy to hear you are going back to work. I hope Christie enjoyed the DVD that Jackie sent for her. Keep up the great progress just remember baby steps, one day at a time.

Jackie, Toni & Terry

Anonymous said...

Hey! I fineally got to see christie again yesterday and she's doing awesome. How are you doing richard? I've been worried about you to. well, hopefully I get to see her again soon and you to richard!

Anonymous said...

When you get time, will you get Christie's "Naruto" movies I gave her for Christmas and put her name on them and take them to her. It is the box set. Also see if you can find her lavender dress and gloves I got her. Make sure it is put where it won't get messed up, She may want to wear it when she gets well and goes to the prom.
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

I found the Naruto box set and I will bring it to her. As far as the dress goes, Angie said it was with the things you took of Christie's back to SC. She faintly remembers it (if its the one she wore to your wedding) being in a box.

Anonymous said...

No the one she wore to my wedding was already hers because the lavender one hadn't come in yet. Angie still has the new one in storage somewhere. It has never been worn. It has gloves to match. I have a picture of Christie in it if it will help.
I'll put the picture on Christie's blog so you can see which one.www.bringchristiehome.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

It's so good to know that your doing so well. I was really afraid for you guys for a while. It was bad, being up here and learing that you got into such a bad accident not a six months after moving out. I'm sorry I haven't been able to see all of you. I have only been to Port charlotte once to stay with Nichole for emotional support but was unable to come, and times have been hard here, so coming again is not an option.

I lived with you guys long enough to see plenty of that fighting spirit, adn I'm sure that Christie too shall make great leaps in her recovery. She's suprised us all alredy with what we thought was impossible, but I know she is never one to give up.

Send her my love.

I'm not a religios person, never was, never will be, But I'll say a prayer for you for all your sakes and happiness.