Saturday, August 16, 2008


Today was a wonderful day. We went up first thing this AM to see Christie. She gets so excited to have visitors. She waves here hand and mouths HI! We tried our best to get sound to come out of her mouth today. I would make a sound with my mouth and she would try to mimick me. She was trying so could see it in her eyes. We could hear air coming out so I guess thats close. We wrote notes back and forth. She also would tickle me when I turn my back from her. Then she would pretend she wasnt doing it when I turned around. I brushed her hair for quite some time because she said that it felt really good. She asked me where her hair went so I told her that they cut some at the hospital. She asked why would they do that. I told her they fixed her head and she asked what was wrong with her head. I told her she hurt it but its getting better. She said oh, I see! Her words are so cute. This week we will visit during afternoon therapy so Richard can participate with the therapy. He enjoys seeing her improve.

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