Friday, June 13, 2008


I didnt see either of them yesterday. I had to work. Today I had school and intended on going straight home. Richard called me Thursday night and asked me to visit and bring him a pillow and some green tea. When I spoke with him today, he remembered talking to me and asking for those specific items. I thought that was awesome because his memory is not there yet. So, I drove up after class and brought him what he wanted. Unfortunately, he had just fallen asleep. They said he was cranky all day and wanted to nap during the day but they were waxing the floors with a loud machine so he couldnt. I stayed for an hour and he never woke up. I didnt want to bother him soI left him a note and went home. I'll be there tomorrow. I got half way home and realized I didnt see Christie. Brain Fart :) I forgot she was there. Ive had a long day...forgive me!


Anonymous said...

Have they gotten to where they don't have to thicken his liquids now? You said he asked for green tea and I was just wondering if they were allowing him to have it straight or if they are having to do it like the rest of his liquids.
I miss talking to him so much.

Please give Christie D a kiss for me when you see her again.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for Richard that he will be leaving Christie. Seems like being there with her would encourage him to get better for her. My heart goes out to you all. You all are on the prayer list and will remain there. I am so happy for Richard as he improves. God loves you all and so do i. Take care and again thanks for the update.