Monday, December 8, 2008

The End Of This Site

So, I cant help but look back to April when everyone's life was turned upside down. One of my brothers was kind enough to create this site for me to update all the extended family and friends on Richard and Christie's condition. We have choosen, until now, to keep our site filled with positive and encouraging comments. Unfortunately, people have taken it upon themselves to speak there mind about things that they are seriously uneducated about. I will no longer update this website anymore. The people who truely care about Richard and Christie I speak to constantly anyway and can receive their info that way.

Now, let me educate some of you. Fact: Richard has guardianship and custody of Christie as he did BEFORE the accident. Fact: Richard makes the decisions for Christie, same as he did BEFORE the accident. Rumor: Christie has TONS of money that Richard controls. The small amount of money in Christie's trust fund (that isnt even controlled by him, the court does!) isnt even enough to pay for her hearing impaired phone. Fact: Becky (or any of her so called concerned friends and family) hasnt visit Christie in almost 2 months. If all of you are SO worried about her well being and if she is being cared for properly, where are you? Rumor: I used Christie's trust money to add an addition to my house. I paid for that with my own money. I have never had ANY access to ANY of Christie's money. That is controlled by the courts! Fact: Becky has been fradulently receiving monthly Social Security Benefits for Christie. Cant wait to see what the government has to say about that. Fact: I did say that Becky would have to be responsible for Christie, however, it is now being used in a different context. I love how you twist my words to try and benefit you. I said that if they BOTH remained in the disabled condition they were in that I could not take care of both of them. It would not be a safe enviroment. Rumor: Katrina visits Christie weekly. She has not visited Christie in more than a month. How is that a positive influence. Fact: Christie is 2 hours from Richard, not 4. Quit exaggerating everything. Fact: Richard loves Christie with all his heart. He constantly talks about Christie, calls her, write her notes daily, and constantly tries to find ways to get her closer to him. He has, since the begining, had her best interest in mind and he will continue to do so. If you dont agree with him, too bad!

It is so sad that instead of using your time wisely to find a way to be with your daughter, you sit behind your computer and cause striff between the families. You and you alone are making things difficult for yourself. Feel free to continue in any behavoir that you so desire, that certainly is your choice. However, I dont see you getting anything positive accomplished with the way you are acting currently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am most disapointed that this site shall no longer be updated. I was (am?) a very close friend of Christie's, lived with her for a number of months, but unfortunatly due to my moving, was unable to get any information besides from this site.

I am planning to come to port charlotte for christmas, and if I do, then I wil do all in my power to get ahold of someone who can help me see her. though I am not sure if she remebers me (I remember there being a mention of memeory loss, the laps being just about the full time I knew her, and I have yet to hear otherwise on any progress on that) and I understand if I am turned down, but both her adn her father are very good people, adn it breaks my heart that this could happen to them.

If I am able to come, I shall, and know that I have the best of wishes for both Richard and Christie.

-Donnelle Myers