Saturday, November 15, 2008

A New Toy

Hopefully soon, Christie will have a new toy that will help her communicate better. About one month ago Richard began looking into a phone system that allows Christie to type her responses. They well exceed $500 and we would need two ( one for her and one for Richard). Dave was able to contact some companies that help disabled children and there was grant money out there that helps cut the cost. It will take a little more time to work everything out with AT&T and Florida Club Care to get everything installed and working properly but we think it will help Christie better communicate. Looking forward to a conversation with her soon. Also, Richard is spending four days with Christie this week and he cant be any happier. The FCC is having a Thanksgiving day celebration this Thursday for the patients and all there family. It will be a joyous day for all of us to be together and celebrate what we are all thankful for.


Toni said...

That is super super wonderful that she will have a new way to communicate with her Dad. Keep the faith and celebrate the milestones Chrisite has achieved already and know there is surly more to come. Have a great Thanksgiving with Christie.

Toni & Jackie

Anonymous said...

well i havent checked the blog in a while but doesnt seem to be much that i have more time i hope you can update more for those of us who have time to check it would be nice to know how things are sine we're not close enough to come see her. @ least 1-2 times a week even if no change so that we'll know she's still doing ok. tx rgossett an old friend of richards from s.c.