Saturday, September 6, 2008

Future Comments:

Hello All,

As most of you know, the purpose of this forum is to communicate about the progress of Richard and Christie, and to provide uplifting support to Richard and Christie in their time of need.

There are some people who feel this is their personal forum to vent their juvenile frustrations.... Well it isn't, and I am tired of seeing  cowards verbally attacking both Richard and the rest of our family. Your soapbox time here has come to an end....go play elsewhere.

From now on, this forum's responses will be moderated. There may be a brief delay between the time you post and the time that the post appears while we sift through the trash. 

I am sure this will not be an issue to those who truly care about them. Please continue to post your positive comments as they are very important to Richard and Christie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God be with you all. Richard and Christie are the only ones that is important